PSU Pandemic Podcasts Episode 10 - Overcoming Conflicts during difficult times Email Subscription Subscribe here to be notified when new podcasts are released. To unsubscribe please email Released On: Planning & Production Credits: Sarah Siddiqui, Nick Cromwell, Hazel Russo, Jane Gardner-Florence Summary The pandemic has given us great examples of unity and camaraderie, but some healthcare trainees have faced challenging conflicts in the workplace where everyone is under duress. In this podcast we are in conversation with coaches Hazel Russo, Nick Cromwell and educator John Launer on managing conflict during difficult times. They provide useful information about managing conflict generally and techniques for achieving better communication and understanding of yourself and others and the responsibility of institutions. Biographies: John Launer is a GP, family therapist and educator. He was formerly associate dean for multi-professional faculty development at HEE, where he led their courses in team facilitation and conflict resolution. John is now lead programme director for educational innovation. He has written and edited seven books on interactional skills and related topics, including “Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care: Conversations Inviting Change.” John has given presentations and run workshops around Europe, in the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan. Hazel Russo is a Coach, Coach Supervisor, Facilitator and Trainer. As well as her coaching work for the PSU, she has a private coaching practice and is creator of the coaching board game, Lumination®. Hazel enjoys using a strengths and values-based coaching approach to support positive change. Hazel Russo is a Coach, Coach Supervisor, Facilitator and Trainer. As well as her coaching work for the PSU, she has a private coaching practice and is creator of the coaching board game, Lumination®. Hazel enjoys using a strengths and values-based coaching approach to support positive change. Nick Cromwell is a Coach, Coach Supervisor, Facilitator and Trainer. As well as his work for the PSU supporting Trainees, he works in private practice. He is motivated in what he does by his curiosity and his continuing enjoyment of working people. Sarah Siddiqui is a National SuppoRTT Fellow in the London & KSS Professional Support Unit. She is dual-qualified in Medicine and Dentistry and on sabbatical from Core Surgical Training. Thank you to the trainees, who kindly provided the sound bites and wished to remain anonymous. Thank you for listening to this Podcast. We would like to hear your thoughts and feedback, so we can continue to improve and bring you material relevant to your needs. Please complete the questionnaire below. 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